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You are unique — your health experience should be, too.

My Viva Inc. and The Women’s Health Coalition have joined forces to support you with a lifestyle medicine program designed specifically for women at every stage of life.

From hormonal balance and mental clarity to physical strength and emotional well-being, My Viva Plan® for women’s health empowers you with expert-designed tools to confidently take charge of your health.

NEW: Resources for Women’s Health Concerns

Managing your health should feel empowering—not overwhelming. That’s why we’re introducing new support for women’s health challenges, including:

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Incontinence & Pelvic Health

Exercises and expert guidance to strengthen your pelvic floor and improve daily comfort.

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Pelvic Pain

Holistic approaches, including movement and stress management, to help reduce discomfort and enhance well-being.

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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Coming Soon)

Nutrition and lifestyle strategies to help manage symptoms and improve energy levels.

Own your health experience.

Guided by healthcare professionals, My Viva Plan® is grounded in lifestyle medicine and focuses on six essential pillars of well-being:

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Personalized meal plans that support bone health, hormone balance, and lasting energy.

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Physical Activity

Customizable fitness programs tailored to your body’s needs—from pregnancy to menopause.

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Mental Health

Mindfulness and stress-management techniques to help you find clarity and calm.

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Proven strategies to enhance rest and recovery for better overall health.

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Stress Management

Practical tools to navigate life’s demands with resilience.

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Social Connection

Resources to strengthen relationships and build a supportive community.

Monthly Plan

Billed monthly on auto renewal

$20 per month


Annual Plan

Billed annually on auto renewal

$160 per year

Chevron words: Every woman’s journey is different, but with the right support, lifelong wellness is within reach. Start today and take the first step toward vibrant, empowered health.